суббота, 1 октября 2016 г.

Diana natters on... about machine knitting: Short-Rowed Baby Hat

Diana natters on... about machine knitting: Short-Rowed Baby Hat: Sometimes it takes more than a little trial-and-error to get an idea into yarn! At last, after making every possible mistake and inventing...

МК шапочки поперечным вязанием на однофантурной машине.

Short-Rowed Baby Hat
by Diana Sullivan

Materials: Sport-weight yarn, about 1 ounce (28 grams)
Machine: Standard gauge machine, no ribber or patterning necessary

Cast on 40 stitches with contrasting waste yarn, tension 8, knit a few rows, end with carriage on right.

Knit 1 row, hat color, from right to left
Set machine for short-rowing
Short-row decrease 3 stitches on the right side, knit across, wrap, and knit back (this pattern seems to work better if you do not do automatic wraps)
Repeat until the needles are on hold to #3 right.
Knit across all stitches, that completes one triangle (carriage is on right)
Make 10 trianges, 140 rows
Take off on waste yarn
Rehang side of knitting, wrong side facing, picking up two stitches for every three rows, and knit an 8-row picot hem. Pick the hem up, knit across as loosely as possible and cast-off.
Kitchener stitch the seam, remove waste yarn, mattress stitch the hem and gather up the hole at the top. Hide the ends. You're finished!

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